Monday, 27 January 2014

Back in the world of blogging!

I've had an unintentional hiatus from the blogging world for the reason of life, it just gets in the way sometimes. I'm so admiring of you ladies who can do it all, I just don't know how you do! A full time job, my own house to look after, two bunnies, a hammy and a guinea pig, and the responsibility of running honey, rose and Amber my small online jewellery business. All this and trying to have a social life as well just makes it seem like there aren't enough hours in the day. I'm sure a lot of you feel the same. However I just miss blogging so much and it's a community I love being a part of so I'm going to commit to one post a week at the very least and I'll go from there. 

Also in the time that I've been away I feel that my style has gone through a bit of a metamorphosis as well as brand new brunette locks! So it seems an apt time to start documenting different looks again as I have so much fun getting dressed up on a daily basis and I'm lucky it's something my job allows me to do.

These pictures were shot by my lovely friend Yui, and I think she did a pretty good job. Thanks Yui! <3 

Id love to hear what you guys think about the demands of blogging and the outfit etc so please comment below and I will reply to everyone.

Top- eBay 
Skirt- Topshop
Shoes- Dr Martens