Inspirational Blogs I love.
STYLE- Charlene of Struttlamode
This is a brand new series of posts that will be appearing on the blog monthly. In order for you to know a little bit more about me I thought I definitely should explain some of the other blogs and bloggers that inspired me as they are the reason I am doing this in the first place. We all look at each others blogs for inspiration and there is nothing wrong with that. We all started as blog readers and still are, blogging is a community and I have met some very lovely people so far. This series though had to begin with my biggest Style inspiration/crush. I bloody love Charlene's blog it has and always will be a constant source of style inspiration to me because she is beautiful, gorgeous, stylish and not to mention lovely! So I had a little chat to Charlene about what made her start Strutt La Mode and the conversation follows below for you guys to enjoy.
So where did you get the idea from to start blogging?
I found it hard to get a job when I left University and had a lot of free time on my hands. When I was not looking for jobs I was on the interent a lot reading fashion blogs and just thought I have loads of clothes which have built up during my uni days (thanks student loan) I could do this to fill my time ...So I did.
Where do you get style inspiration from?
Everywhere! Films, Streetstyle, magazines if I seee something I like from anywhere I will take it on board and make it my own.
Who is your biggest style crush?
I have a few right now its
Kate Bosworth, 90's Drew Barrymore and Thelma and Louise
How would you define your style? Super tricky question I know!
My style is constantly evolving so it would be impossible to define it.
What are you staple go to wardrobe pieces?
Vintage Leather Jacket, Chokers, Topshop Astrix Boots
What pieces are you currently covetting?
Slip Dresses and ovesized T-shirts dresses - easy things. And just about anything from LNA!
I love these but I cannot afford them :-(
And lastly name us your top 3 favourite all time blogs?
It's so hard to narrow it down so here's just a few of my favourites
Just noticed I must really like blondes.............
Thanks so much Charlene. And I can't wait to carry on following your blog and seeing all your amazing outfits!
x x x